seizing the advantages offered by technological progress
The evolution of technology has a direct and immediate impact on certain cost areas of a business organization: energy, maintenance, computer systems and telecommunications.
If this impact is properly steered it can bring about consistent advantages in operational management, making certain corporate services more efficient.
The overlap of different functions who co-manage these services is often a crucial holdback. COSMAN’s objective is to offer a unifying vision on how innovation and new technology can translate into a concrete economic advantage for companies.
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category is influenced by energy market fluctuations. The environmental policies defined by the European Community and bolstered by the Paris climate accord (COP 21) will entail additional costs on traditional sources so as to finance decarbonisation. Within this context, energy efficiency is an excellent opportunity to contain costs and guarantee competitiveness in their respective markets, and can benefit from different kinds of subsidies provided by national and local institutions.
Energy diagnosis compliant with Italian legislative decree N.102/2014 carried out by experts with UNI CEI 11339:2009 (EGE) certification, implementation of consumption monitoring networks even by reactivating existing solutions. Projects to improve energy efficiency by involving the personnel in the introduction of best practices, and introduction of new technology towards UNI CEI EN ISO 50001 certification (energy management systems). Creation of a mindful budget, negotiation and optimization of terms and conditions of energy supply contracts, Outsourcing verification of Energy Management activities, bill audit and support in subsidy requests (TEE Energy Efficiency Titles, incentives, Industry 4.0, etc.), assessment of EPC contracts and third party in ESCO relations.
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
Maintenance costs refer to all those activities geared towards renovating or maintaining the usability of a service or the functionality of a productive process. It is a strategic activity because it guarantees the proper execution of core activities. The most Critical Issues in performing this service can be ascribed to the high number of events to be handled, to the wide expertise and multiple specializations required for it, and often also to the large area to be controlled. All of these critical issues don’t easily reconcile with a central governance organization and with efficient management of events and the relative costs run into so as to match the expected level of service.
Optimization of maintenance costs through a careful needs analysis, improvement of budgeting starting at the creation phase, creation of a governance system based on the characteristics of each company and bolstered by evolved, industry 4.0 digital systems. Performance monitoring in all the phases of the service with total interaction with the company’s computer systems. Scouting, selection and assessment of suppliers with cost analysis based on updated and industry-specific benchmarks. Reduction of costs tied to consumer goods usage, both in the service sector and in the industry, thanks to the expertise of procurement specialists and using e-catalogue platforms.
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
Telecommunications expenses are constantly on the rise due to the continuous increase of connectivity needs, both landline and mobile. In view of the extremely fast technological evolution that characterizes this industry, it is necessary to have specialized know-how, capable of applying an analysis methodology consistent with the evolution of the behaviours, needs, innovations and available technological alternatives.
Cost optimization for landlines and mobile, WAN networks, Data Centres, customer assistance, services and active devices of the Telecom infrastructure. Market monitoring to guarantee the contractual and technological solution that can offer the best quality/price ratio, consistent with the actual communication needs.