Optimize Common Costs in Organized Structures
Personnel Costs represent one of the main items of expenditure for almost all organised structures. Regulations, contractual agreements, contributions, mandatory insurance: these are all elements that contribute to define the multiple components of the cost of working, and accurate knowledge on them all is the key for any optimization task.
Another important thing is the resources that are invested by the organisations on developing the human capital (increasing the competitive effectiveness) and on the proper sizing (maximising organisational efficiency).
In such a complex scenario we need specialised skills in different areas that, alongside a solid business experience and the organisation’s own internal experiences, allow us to improve the management of different aspects of the HR area. High-level skills, alongside consolidated field experience, allow for a greater control over HR costs (from a passive and “accepted” cost management to one that properly addresses cost in a future-forward way).
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category has an extremely significant impact on both personnel safety and the safeguard of the company. In properly abiding to the current rules and regulations, the company can avoid potential costs in sanctions. They can also make use of discount opportunities, thanks to their adoption of proper preventative measures.
Cost Management on administration and safety side of INAIL insurance. Assessment of different aspects, particularly as regards the proper tariff classification of risks and verification of rates. Preparation of INAIL report for the government institution on the adequacy of the insurance situation, both as certification instrument for management and as training instrument for those in charge of personnel.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category requires profound and constantly up-to-date knowledge on the INPS regulations currently in force, both from a legal point of view and a technological one. This means being able to provide consulting regarding software that can offer the proper and effective support to any business.
Action on retirement contributions and other social welfare contributions. Verification of the proper classification based on the company’s business area, verification of payroll so as to guarantee they are subjected to the proper wage contribution as pertains the Italian legislative decree 314/97 and subsequent modifications. Analysis of the payroll software’s proper function and form in compliance with regulations, both insourcing and outsourcing.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category requires constant monitoring, to verify that the personnel are properly sized in all roles at every moment of the productive cycle. This is why it is necessary to design a specific project for every company and to distribute resources in compliance with regulations and with the different contractual situations.
Analysis of organisational sizing’s optimization margins as regards company processes, roles, competences, strategy and structure. Maximisation of added value activities, creation of share service and optimization of overtime, unused holidays, redundancy, development plans and turnover. Rationalisation of training and recruitment plans. Quality Certifications and Social Planning for rightsizing.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category regards all procedures and material used to guarantee personnel safety in the workplace, but it also includes the supply of uniforms and clothing for the different technical roles within the company. Proper financial management thus requires specific skills in many different areas.
Analysis to optimize the cost of products and tools for the individual safeguard of workers and of work clothing, maintaining or improving their level of quality. Rationalization of purchased products with stockpile reduction, optimizing the passive cycle and its connected administrative burden, creation of an e-catalogue to select suppliers. Monitoring of expense levels, consumption and re-orders.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category regards all personnel transfers and the expenses incurred during travel. Thus it requires a detailed study of trips taken by the company throughout the year, with predictive abilities.
Analysis of company needs as regards routes and itineraries. Optimization of company policies, slimming down of the passive cycle and the connected administrative burden, selection of the best software for BTM (Business Travel Management).
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category regards all expenses related to the company fleet (both for company use or for employee use). Cost optimization thus requires a consideration of very different factors, with significant impact on the company: from cost and contract management for purchases/rental/leasing of vehicles, to the management of insurance and other administrative costs such as fuel, tolls, etc.
Definition of vehicle fleet needs, procurement and management procedures: optimization of the Car Policy, synergy between car cost and remuneration policies, innovative management of pool cars, management of tolls and fuel, mileage optimization techniques, introduction of green programs/downsizing. Maximisation of tax benefits and optimization of insurance costs with innovative techniques.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
The proper handling of this cost category has a significant impact both in terms of optimization of company costs and of personnel satisfaction. It thus requires careful analysis of the company needs, of the availability of food service structures and a selection of the different solutions.
Human Resources
Critical Issuescc
Intervention Strategy
This cost category is strictly related to the one that regards the proper organisation sizing and it thus responds to the need to have additional staff available during specific periods, so as to cover particularly intense peaks of the productive cycle.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category is particularly wide, delicate and burdensome, because it regards all the components related to personnel costs: remuneration, working hours, contribution obligations, payment accounting, verification of cost quotas, fund provisions.
Proper planning of personnel costs and analysis of deviations, final balances and totals for multinational companies. Optimization of payroll systems (out- or in-sourcing), dashboard for personnel costs, functional optimization of personnel’s computer systems, corporate bargaining, assessment of union platforms, optimization of administered work, optimization of administrative systems and of programming and control systems for personnel costs.
Human Resources
Critical Issues
Intervention Strategy
This cost category must be analysed carefully because it has a direct effect on personnel motivation and productivity, with indirect advantages being much more relevant than direct ones, tied to a strict optimization of the expense incurred.
Optimization of the company’s contributions plan, to improve relations with personnel, in such a way that it is both in agreement with the social partners and efficient for the company. Rationalization of reimbursement management for education, loans/mortgages, healthcare, pension schemes, fringe benefits, culture and free time. Management of health insurance and life insurance.